The boy who stayed in small village named Padam in the Kollam district of Kerala. Surrounding jungles made the village a scenic beauty but also kept it away from infrastructural developments His father who is a farmer helps him for his daily routine and other activities. As they have not any good income which fulfill properly about the needs of there son, not got good food, even any luxuries dream which they satisfied to be made. Helping his farmer father at also his activities and other routines he learning not just other methods but also learning the importance of struggle in life and hard work effect in human upcoming new challenges. Difficulties in his childhood made him accept challenges and put the extra efforts for success. Ya, we are talking about the boy named “Varun Chandran’ who is now 33 now and a millionaire entrepreneur who founded and owns Corporate 360, a firm based in Singapore and expanded in four continents. Despite of poor backgrounds of his ...
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